The Bee Hive

Sometimes it's honey; sometimes it's sting...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Chuck got in touch with his inner child tonight while 'corraling' Mathieu's Lincoln Logs. Mat and Zach stay here almost every Tuesday evening and Mat always brings enough toys to keep him busy for a week. Typically, he stuffs his big horse trailer and pick-up set with as many Lincoln Logs, ranch furniture pieces, toy motorcycles, and other miscellaneous things, as he can squeeze in there. This is not counting the other super-sized vehicles, guns, candy, homework, plus his bike that he brings, too. So while Chuck was scooting the extensive ranch layout from the bedroom, bathroom, hall and edges of the living room, (we moved to a VERY small house) he got interested in constructing some things himself.

Mathieu saw the beginnings of a log house, and joined him. So they cooperated to build a small ranch, before running out of the logs.

Then I got Jane West and she drove the big red pick-up over to ramrod the operation and get the two other cowhands, who were lazing around by the cabin, in line.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


It's evening, now, and in all the activity today I didn't take a single photo. Andrew did, but I don't have his photos uploaded. The kids - Mathieu and Maya (my friend, Paulette's granddaughter) were passing out stickers to everyone. Coconut got a bunch! Surprisingly, she left them on all day. I moved the gorgeous roses that Maya's mom, Jennifer, sent to me, into the background of this shot.
Anyway, we had a great time today with family and friends over. Zach and Garrett hid eggs for the younger kids to find. Garrett did the barbequing and brought over his washer game for everyone to play. It's harder than it looks, but Shabree turned out to be the grand champion of the day. Footballs were tossed around, the food was good, and the conversation was better.

Saturday, April 04, 2009


Assembling this swing has been a trial for Chuck, since I bought it several weeks ago, so the boys took on the project this afternoon. I'm hoping I'll have it in 'sittable' condition for Easter, despite some missing and/or wrong sized bolts.

And finished for today, except for the missing or wrong bolts and the canopy part. Hopefully, after they get back to it tomorrow, all that will be left is to put the pads and pillows on it. That's one of their dogs, Buddie, in the front.