The Bee Hive

Sometimes it's honey; sometimes it's sting...

Monday, April 10, 2006


My weekends are frequently exhausting. It seems to me that I don't really do all that much, so I have no idea why I just vegetate on Sunday afternoons. Friday both Zachary and Mathieu spent the night here. Zach pretty much watched tv and used the computer while I played Veggie Tale concentration, some made up games with color, number and word flash cards and worked puzzles with Mathieu. Predictably, Mat started crying for Amy around bedtime, but she and Reagan went to some kind of concert out of town and weren't even going to be home until the wee hours. But he and Zach bedded down with sleeping bags to watch the Sponge Bob movie, and he went to sleep. Then Zach got up and we spent some quiet time together.

Saturday Zach spent the night and we played several games of Yahtzee together before I got a late start on my typing for Sunday morning. Saturday night is kind of late to be starting from scratch on the parent talk that I had to give this morning (Sunday), but it worked out fine - much easier than the previous two, thankfully. I also managed to type up an inventory of most of the books, videos, cassettes and learning materials that I have been stocking the resource room with. Then I composed a letter to the teachers, aides and assistants letting them know when the end-of-year meeting is going to be and what's on the agenda. Also what things are in the works so far for next year...and asking them to come prepared to critique the school year and bring up any new ideas for next year. And I composed a letter to parents with a schedule of events for the next few weeks, an opportunity for a tuition break for early registration for next year, and other information. Anyway, it was after 2am when I finished and went to bed, but then I couldn't go to sleep for around another hour. But I got up this morning on time, got ready and got to the classroom building in plenty of time to get things settled and organized and sweep all the walkways that had new mown grass on them.

After Mass, my talk went well, although it had to be shortened since we had less time, and part was taken up with taking care of things that cropped up right before classes. I have been intending to take a photo of the junior high group with the poster they made for the Youth Spectacular, since the ones I took that day didn't 'take'. Only as usual, I forgot until after class when most had already left. But I did get two girls to hold it and snapped their photo, quickly. Once we were home from the church, Zach cooked bacon and I scrambled eggs. Chuck took a nap, and when he woke up, he and Zach left for the cabin. Then I crashed for a 3 hour nap. But even after that, I've been so tired and 'foggy' this evening.

Tomorrow I've got to go to Beeville at some point - supermarket and Walmart, AND the medical supply company. Would you believe Chuck wants me to get him a certain kind of neck brace so he can break Zach's horse that is well past the usual time for breaking...? It's absolute lunacy, with all his physical problems, but what can you do?


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