The Bee Hive

Sometimes it's honey; sometimes it's sting...

Friday, May 09, 2008

THE GARDEN... and the Altered Cut-Offs

It is pretty tightly overgrown, isn't it? That half row of mystery vines (cucumbers? cantalopes?)that no one planted has spread out and taken over the middle, and consumed the squash plants, pretty much.
This is a sideways view. Pardon the tall grass. The man who mows our yard is sick, and has not been able to work for awhile.
Here is the view from the other direction. You can see the chicken tractor on the right, and the two small individual chicken tractors on the left. That area of plain dirt in the forefront is where the large chicken tractor was the previous two times. Don't they do a great job?! Tomorrow, I am going to put the chickens in their individual tractors again, up against one of the squash hills. The plants there are starting to look a little sick. I suspect the usual squash bugs or whatever they are called. Hopefully the chickens will take care of the problem, or at least not let it spread to the other hills. With the crowding, we may not be able to alieviate the problem(s), like dusty mildew or whatever it might also be, but with squash just days away from harvesting, this is the best it's done in the last few years.
Amy and Reagan came over and got some more mesclun today. That is still going strong. and so is the chard. I also put a straw mulch around the pepper plants today.

I forgot all about an updated photo of the altered cut-offs until just now. It's really overcast and too late in the day to get a decent photo, though. I will try to do it tomorrow. I got the patches sewed on, but after washing, the jeans and one of the fabrics frayed out a lot, so two of the patches are now unattached in places. Those spots will have to be done over.


At 5/26/2008 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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