The Bee Hive

Sometimes it's honey; sometimes it's sting...

Thursday, December 22, 2005


This is a spread I did in Laura D.'s Birthday Journal somewhat recently. The Madonna and Child imprint is from a rubberstamp I carved.
Today was a less hectic day that most lately....not that I did much to take advantage of that fact. Mostly I just enjoyed not having to go anywhere and not having deadlines choking me. I mixed up a batch of molasses cookie dough and have it chilling in the fridge. Lydia called and invited me to a parish office Christmas party tomorrow, so I'll probably bake the cookies in the morning and take them. Shabree wrapped Zachary's and Mathieu's Christmas gifts... I emailed a birthday greeting to Stewart. And I sold one of my paintings on eBay! I won't mention for how embarrassingly little - LOL! But I painted it and it sold, so I am a happy camper. It sold to an art gallery. Not bad for something painted on the backside of a cereal box.
Shabree, Zachary and I went to Mass and the Penance Service at 6pm, then to the Posada afterwards which was at Sylvia Olivares' house.


At 12/22/2005 11:22 AM, Blogger Wanda said...

Thank you! :) My ID is w-mortensen. You can see that particular painting in my Aug. 30 blog entry. It's the one on the right.
Are you enjoying your days off?

At 12/22/2005 11:07 PM, Blogger Wanda said...

Thanks, Brenda! I am anxious to get some more paintings done, but I doubt that will happen until January.


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