The Bee Hive

Sometimes it's honey; sometimes it's sting...

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Tonight's obligatory photo is of my third scarecrow of the season. I love that old, clunky, rusty bike. This is the second or third scarecrow to ride it, over the years. It has also served as a trellis for my alamo vine, and planter (before the large handlebar basket rusted off) for flowers. A few years ago, I mentioned in my newspaper column that I was looking for an old bike to use for a scarecrow display. A kind, elderly lady I've known ever since I was born, called and offered me this one that had been sitting in her garage for ages. I also received several 'anonymous' bikes that got 'donated' in my yard under cover of darkness on several different occassions. LOL!
I'm exhausted tonight. Today was a busy and tiring day. I just inexplicably ran out of steam early in the afternoon. I went to the parish office this morning to get some things done, then Lydia and I had lunch at the cafe. Afterwards we took a quick drive to the cemetery, so she could see it. I had to go to town too, and that took too much time for too little accomplished...and gave me a headache that I still can't shake. I cooked dinner to leave on the stove for Chuck, while I went to evening Mass and the parish council meeting afterwards. There is so much going on this time of year. All very good things, but would I be a Scrooge if I said I am looking forward to January, already? Tomorrow will be a better day. I am going to do my best to sleep late (Yeah, right!) and to not leave the house tomorrow.


At 11/03/2005 9:24 AM, Blogger Wanda said...

Hi, Ash! Sorry to hear you've lost your pep, too. My headache is still with me this morning. :( I, too, wish non-bloggers could post comments. It's a built-in setting though...not an option I can change.
I hope today is better for you.

At 11/03/2005 1:54 PM, Blogger Wanda said...

Hmmm....I'll investigate...

At 11/04/2005 11:59 AM, Blogger Keith said...

Click to "Settings" tab,
Click on "Comments" tab,
Third item down is a "Who can Comment" popup.
Change to "Anyone"


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