The Bee Hive

Sometimes it's honey; sometimes it's sting...

Sunday, November 20, 2005


I didn't get to church as early as usual this morning, but I did manage to get the 11 turkey boxes moved over from the breakfast room to the church,(with the aid of some good helpers), and distribute them to children to carry up to the front at the end of Mass.
While the children were bringing them up so the food could be blessed, I talked about the Posada, the need for more breakfast volunteers and then about the turkey boxes for the elderly shut-ins. My voice was failing me, but everything went smoothly. After photos, the students had breakfast tacos and class, then practiced for the Christmas program. We gained two new junior high students this morning as well.
Then after I returned home and got back into my favorite sock monkey pajamas, R. called me from church saying he locked his parish keys in the business office. I don't have keys to that office, but I do have ones to the church, so I went down there and after he got his things all loaded into his car, we locked the church. I think I am probably the first person in our parish to sit in a church pew in pjs.
I do think I have pleurisy. It just hurts so much when I cough or laugh. I'm declaring it the viral kind, because there is nothing to do for that kind, you just get over it. The online Merck Manual said to do your best to continue to breathe deeply and cough when you need to, despite pain. If it doesn't work, then your lung may collapse and you'll develop pneumonia. So I am BREATHING and coughing.


At 11/21/2005 12:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a cute bunch of kids! I must admit...even growing up as a PK, I never sat in the church pews in my PJ's...LOL

Hope you get over this cough soon!
P.S. Thanks for not being imaginary ;)

At 11/21/2005 8:51 AM, Blogger Wanda said...

Thanks, Ash. They are a great group of kids...what there was of them, that morning. So many were absent - sick, I guess.
I don't feel as bad this morning, and so I am tempted not to try to get in to see the doctor like I said I was going to do. But I know I only feel better now, because I just got out of bed, and am not doing anything yet. ;)

At 11/22/2005 2:21 PM, Blogger laura said...

are these the sock monkey pjs from target??? i saw them a few weeks ago and thought, 'i wonder if wanda knows about these?' as you can see, i didn't tell you. anyway, they are TOTALLY cute and i thought of you when i saw them.

At 11/22/2005 5:57 PM, Blogger Wanda said...

No, these are the ones from Walmart from last year. Now I've GOT to get to Target a.s.a.p.!!!! ;) Thanks for the heads-up!


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