The Bee Hive

Sometimes it's honey; sometimes it's sting...

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


I got mail today! Besides the beee-utiful ATC from my friend Sanna, I got one of Robot's Kool-Aide postcards, and a RECYCLED (How cool is THAT?!) envelope full of fluxus bucks and other intriguing pieces of paper from Dr. Fluxbuxenstein herself - Ex Posto Facto. I'm inspired! I've already cut myself a (very simple!) stencil, and plan to make mail art this evening - postcards, collages, drawings, decorate any recyclable envelopes I can find, and add to fluxus bucks.
That's it for now. I'll probably edit this and write more tonight.


At 8/24/2005 10:47 AM, Blogger Thorn said...

Wanda, what are fluxus bucks? Do you exchange these via mail? Who all do you send to?..carrie

At 8/24/2005 1:59 PM, Blogger Wanda said...

Thanks for the comments, Carrie and p.t.
Carrie, Fluxus bucks are sort of like 'fantasy dollars'. Yes, they are exchanged in the mail, and each person makes some kind of artsy addition to the buck, before passing it on to someone else. That is the whole idea - to collaborate on the art and have fun. I am sending stuff to other mail artists who have either listed their addresses and call for mail art on their blogs or websites, or who have sent me mail art with a return address.
I am REALLY enjoying this! :)

At 8/24/2005 2:38 PM, Blogger Reagan said...

Looks like the Spam Commentor that has hit me has hit you too. My condolences.

At 8/24/2005 4:12 PM, Blogger Wanda said...

And it only took a minute to remove all four of the spam comments. ;)

At 8/26/2005 8:10 AM, Blogger "T" Van Hoecke said...

Wanda, I was curious about what Flux bucks were also, so I came to leave a comment and found the answer. Your mail art sounds very interesting and fun. That is what art is all about!


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