MAIL ART vs. WORK...(and Fluxus Bucks questions)
Okay, this is the last family picture for awhile. It's Jan, Andrew (youngest son) and his girlfriend, Samantha, when I took them out to breakfast yesterday. Tomorrow, I'll probably be putting up an art photo again, since I am working on mail art postcards tonight.Speaking of which, if any mail artists are reading this and want to trade art, leave your address and I'll send you one.
One good thing about having two much older sisters, it was like having three mothers, growing up. Jan thinks I am absolutely wonderful - brilliant, delightful and talented. LOL! Jan looked at every single one of my art postcards and ATCs. Not the originals, because I trade those away, but I make a copy of each of my works, and keep them in folders and notebooks. She looked through everything several different times and absolutely raved over them. Then when Don came to pick her up, she made him look through them too. Gee, I have to force my kids to occassionally look at my latest works...which they suffer through. Anyway, it is a huge boost to have someone just love all my work. ;) ...Darn, I forgot to show her my art journals!
Lydia had been calling wanting me to come into the parish office this week. Today I finally went, but she had apparently left early. There is so much paperwork being added to what I have to do...more and more all the time. I've got lots of mail there to pick up too. But most of it is probably duplicates of what I have been getting at my home address. I have most things of importance come here too. I have to get things all organized and together for a meeting this weekend. I called the chancery and left a message for Fr. Peter about the diocese furnishing the books I want for this year. ;) We'll see. He called back, but that was while I was at the office, so we missed each other all the way around.
I didn't do a lot today....fed the animals, watered the plants, went to Mass. Still tired from Jan's visit. And still got up too early, but I did take an hour's nap. I had a weird dream of trying to turn a car around in a very small area of road, and it not steering properly, and people walking in the road all around, in danger of me running over them with the car. If that wasn't obviously about all the work and stress over my job, I don't know what is! LOL!
Okay, back to art - I have become interested in mail art again, and have been reading everything I can, on the internet, about several aspects of it. Can someone tell me what the difference is between Fluxus Bucks and fantasy money? Can anyone just print Fluxus Bucks however they want? Is there any criteria to be followed?
I got 1 Fluxus Buck from BuZ Blurr yesterday, along with a whole envelope of extremely wonderful art, and I am wondering.... I guess I add to the Fluxus Buck... There are only a few numbers and random letters - very pale - and a date stamp showing right now. The back is blank. So another question - are the backs to be arted up too? If I figure this out, and get something done to it, it will be moving along in the mail too.
Fluxus Bucks are whatever you want them to be...add to them or not, leave your address or not, front and back are fair game...many artists have created their own version (Ruud Jansen in the Netherlands has done the most I think, but there are plenty out there I don't even know about). I mailed my first Fluxus Bucks in 1994--I took a break for a few months where I thought I was going to do something else, but I didn't come up with an idea I liked better so I went back to the bucks.
Thanks, epf. :) I just added something to the one I have. I hope to get it sent on it's way this week.
I had never heard of mail art or fluxus books. Can't wait to learn more. Off to google now.
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