The Bee Hive

Sometimes it's honey; sometimes it's sting...

Friday, August 26, 2005


Here is the artwork that came in today's mail - Postcards! Thanks, Joanne and Kristin! Today has been a pretty good day. Nothing earth-shattering, but a lot of little aggravating jobs over and done with. :) I hate making phone calls, so I tend to put them off. Fr. Peter and I had been playing phone tag for about two weeks. Today we finally connected, so I got the question of the diocese supplying the books I wanted, answered. The answer is 'No' - LOL. So I went into our parish office to see about ordering them, but Annie wasn't there and Lydia said she she threw out a lot of catalogs yesterday. I asked her if I had a positive or negative amount in my account, and she said it was positive at the moment. I was surprised! *******************************************Anyway, I told Lydia that we probably wouldn't have money in the account for long - So... I came back home, found the books on the internet, and called to order them. They should be here by Wednesday. :) I'm still not finding anything new and economical for the Pre-K, K and 1st graders. But even though I would really like to get new ones, the ones from last year will do fine.
So then I drove into town, did some banking and went to the supermarket. And as luck would have it, I ran into the couple who wants to rent that highway property belonging to my sisters and I, so got a few things moving on that again, that I had let slide.
Home again, a grandparent called me about the mailings I had sent out to all the religious education families yesterday (or was it the day before?) ... anyway she is sending 3 of her grandchildren to classes this year, and asked for a reduction in rates. I gladly gave it to her. While the money is definately needed to help defray costs, we take children free, if need be.
I picked up Zachary for Mass this evening and we went. Got home, fed the cats, dogs and rabbit, cooked myself a frozen dinner and now am looking forward to the internet and some artwork before bed. :)


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