These are some quick little sketches I did yesterday, and a sheep postcard for a sheep mail call from someone in France. AND that ATC on the left is one my friend, Sanna, made for me. It's a Zetti-like rendition of my oldest granddaughter. She does beautiful work, but one particular thing I really admire about her skill is the way she does skin tones. If you could see this little ATC in real life, you would see a gorgeous blend of colors - brown, yellow, green, red - that make up the face. It is just amazing. When I try to do that, it turns out either splotchy or muddy. But, I'll keep trying...
Chuck got home this afternoon. And Zachary is spending the night. I bought a DVD of Napolean Dynomite earlier today. I really like it - hilarious!
There was a discussion today about purses and what we keep in them. I thought about 'unpacking' mine and uploading a photo of the contents...but it seemed like too much work. Maybe in a day or two. Hey, pequeno tigre! Are you reading this? There's a still life idea for you. ;) Not very aesthetically appealing though...
Wanda, that is a great idea you have of taking a pic of the contents of our purses! Would you mind sharing that with the group? I think it would be fun!...carrie
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