The Bee Hive

Sometimes it's honey; sometimes it's sting...

Thursday, June 22, 2006


There is nothing bluer than Blue Dog. This is a copy of 'Homage to Blue Dog' that I painted a little over a year ago. The original lives in the Pacific Northwest. I based my little painting on George Rodrique's "Novena for Me". The beads in the photo are handmade clay (or pottery?) that I bought at the Goodwill Store some time back. They are really heavy, but I like them, when I have something to wear that matches with them.
Not much went on today. Lydia called before noon and wanted us to go out to eat, but I was waiting for another friend who was supposed to stop on her way back from town for a visit and to pick up some books she lent me. But as it turned out, she never made it.
Then the man who called the other day asking about Hazel Coyote came by with another man. He had asked if I wanted to give her away, since his wife had been wanting an Australian Shepherd type dog. So he came by to look at her, but decided not to take her. I was both disappointed and relieved. But I do think we are going to have to do something. She and Patti-Jo are getting into fights over who is the dominant dog and also they are joining together and getting frighteningly aggressive toward some of the cats.
When the two men were driving off and I was in the front yard, closing the back gate, they stopped in the road and told me to watch for snakes as they had just seen one cross the road into the edge of our front yard. I hope it's not a rattlesnake. I went over to that area and looked around a little, but since I was wearing sandals and the fenceline is covered thickly and deeply with large vines, I didn't do more than a cursory scan of the area. It could have been anywhere.


At 6/24/2006 11:01 PM, Blogger Keith said...

Blue dog, neat. I once attended an art show where the Blue Dog artist was a guest speaker. I can't remember his name or anything he said but was impressed by his ability to make a living from painting essentially the same image over and over. I think he was from Louisiana?

At 6/24/2006 11:46 PM, Blogger Wanda said...

Thanks, Keith. I looove Blue Dog. Yes, George Rodrique is from Louisiana. He has done lots of other paintings too...brooding dark colors of people and life in the bayou. But that was before Blue Dog. I really don't know if he has painted any other subjects since!


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