I found several photos of something green for the color of the day. This is a bracelet and necklace that I bought at Walmart recently. I love big fake jewelry, and green makes it that much better. My birthstone is peridot.
This is my favorite (I think...) Dr. Suess book - Horton Hatches the Egg.... "I meant what I said; I said what I meant - An elephant's faithful 100 percent!"
And then this is some of about a gazillion weeds that are growing in our backyard. I first took note of it when I was taking some fruit and veggie scraps out to the compost pile yesterday. I wish I knew what kind it is, since I love knowing the names of wild plants. If anyone knows, PLEASE leave a comment telling me. The little pale green chevron markings on the leaves look like little hearts, don't they?
This photo has nothing to do with green, but while I was getting the other set out of my jewelry box, I thought I'd photograph this ring, too. Isn't it unusual? I bought it around 1971 in a junk/vintage shop. Can anyone tell me anything about the style (art deco???), type, possible age or anything at all about this ring?
Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there. Zachary and Mathieu (oh, boy!) spent the night with us last night. This morning after Mass each father there was given a St. Joseph pocket-coin and prayer card, rosary and carnation. Then we went to Papa's and bought breakfast tacos.
Oh, and the biggest thing to happen today was that it RAINED!!!! LOTS of blowing, heavy rain from at least 7am (maybe earlier) until right before we left for Mass a little before 9am. We are looking forward to more during this week.
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