The Bee Hive

Sometimes it's honey; sometimes it's sting...

Sunday, December 04, 2005


I set my alarm very early so I'd make it to the conference room in plenty of time for the meeting I was hosting today. When I got there, I unlocked doors, swept the walkway, did a little straightening and decorating, and sat down to wait...and wait....and wait. I finally decided that no one was coming. But I was going over the jr. high and high school lesson for Sunday, so just stayed there...thank goodness! I had the time wrong and it started at 10a.m., not 9. I could have slept an extra hour! These meetings are for all the directors of religious education in the northern part of the diocese. There were about 14 people who came, plus Father Peter. There was a full agenda and a lot was discussed and lot got done. Then we had a great covered dish lunch. Several of them stayed late to talk longer. It was a good meeting.
We got cable today. We haven't had it for years. I'll get DSL too, but didn't yet. I had already paid in advance for a year of this dial up, but my year is almost over. It took hours for the guy to get it done this afternoon. And his ladder slipped off the roof edge and broke both sides of the kitchen window. Sigh... And then about an hour after it was all done and he left, I turned it on and tried to find the channels. It wasn't working right. We could only get about 11 channels. Luckily there were 5 Time-Warner trucks parked over at Junie and Henrietta's, so I ran over there to ask someone to come see what I was doing wrong. One man came, and he worked with it for quite awhile and couldn't figure it out. It had something to do with tv settings. Then another one came and he tried too. Finally a third came over and after some time, he figured it out. So Chuck and Zachary are watching the National Finals Rodeo on ESPN2 now. I'm glad to have HGTV and EWTN.
In the ongoing saga of the big screen tv, the remote is missing, and has been for some time, apparently. And when I was going home from the meeting and saw Sylvia in her yard, I stopped to tell her about the tv not being in the other youth room any more, she already knew. She was not happy. She said she had been planning to use it, when 'Poof!' it was gone. . . . . Anyway, she said the remote had been missing for awhile, and the tv wasn't working right. Father had told me that too. She wanted to know why Father called me about the whole thing instead of her. . . . I think I am just tired of the whole deal. I am ready for the unused, not quite working right, big screen tv to be gone...along with the headaches that go with it.
The mail art sheet above is a second one that came from Japan, from Ryosuke Cohen.


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