The Bee Hive

Sometimes it's honey; sometimes it's sting...

Friday, July 24, 2009


Mathieu has become my #1 letterboxing partner now that he is older and has the stamina to stick with it. Of course, MY stamina has greatly lessened since the days I took Zachary and Shabree much farther away, hiking in the woods and hills and brush of state parks and wildlife preserves when we letterboxed. We used to travel a few hundred miles in the course of a day. Now I stick much closer to home, and the 'hikes' are short walks.
This letterbox has quite a story - tragic, but also deep in family bonds and perserverence in the face of that tragedy. All families have tragedies, but some are forgotten over the generations, while others survive as lessons and illustrations of virtues and qualities that make up 'the sacred in the ordinary'. As one author - Michael D. O'Brien - says, our stories as a people or as a family define us. The telling and retelling of our stories firm connections between us and between the generations long after those past generations are gone.
This is Keith Petrus' letterbox and it is really a good one. In the clues, he gives part of the story, and at the end of the search, not only do you find out the rest of the story, but get to look over memorabilia of it.



At 7/26/2009 12:59 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Wanda, I only just now noticed your blog entries. Thanks for the poetic review of my Dual Tragedies letterbox and thanks for introducing me to the hobby. I look forward to seeing your future artistic endeavors - assuming you aren't too busy playing videogames:-)


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