It's been a long time. My computer had been working poorly for quite a while, and finally it just died. So we were without one for awhile, and then Stewart ordered another one sent to us. It is taking some getting used to. I wish I could say I have been super-productive in real life without the computer, but actually, I just changed to spending more time with video games. Ha! I found out I like my Wii a lot better with a classic controller. Out of lack of something fun and relaxing to do, I bought Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility for it and have been working that game. Of course I am *d y i n g* waiting for The Sims 3 to come out for a video game console - ANY video game console. It should be released for PC this week, I think, so I am hoping it won't be long before it is released for the PlayStation 3 or the Wii.
Meanwhile, with a computer again, I have gone back to Swap-Bot and joined a Brooch Swap. The hostess gave a link to some kinds of hand-crafted artsy, boho types that she had in mind, so I did my version below - one brooch each for four partners.
The swap is open to all kinds of brooches, including store-bought ones. I already received one from a partner. I'll post a photo of all four I receive when I get them all.
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