The Bee Hive

Sometimes it's honey; sometimes it's sting...

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I haven't been keeping up with my blog very well lately, so even though there is nothing interesting to write about, I decided to put up yet another dog photo and write something... This photo was taken today. Gee, look at all that dust in the, I mean orbs. Yeah, that's what I mean. It couldn't possibly be dust that the dogs are stirring up from the carpet. Not in MY house! No, never! LOL! Coconut is back to her old self again, attacking Carl and wrestling several times a day.
Yesterday was the day Lydia and I were supposed to have lunch together. She had called and said that she was ready to go, and that people were there taking down the church Christmas decorations, but she was leaving anyway. When I walked into Chisholm, there was a large table with Lydia, Mary, Eva, Annie and Loretta, all saying "Surprise!!" LOL! They said Lydia tried to sneak off without them, but they caught her. We had a good time, but I had had a miserable night, and woke up with major sinus trouble. After lunch I went on to Beeville and got some stuff done, but came home and laid around and then went to bed, I felt so awful. I thought I'd be just as bad today, but surprisingly, I've been fine today except for sinus congestion.
I just can't get with it to do more art work lately. Not in quite a while actually. I have joined several more swaps, so I will get things done this month, but I had planned on doing some more paintings for eBay, hoping that art gallery in Atlanta will pick up some more of them.
I've gotten back into eBay shopping again. I got a book, The Decorated Page by Gwen Diehn, a few days ago, and am waiting for the books, Little, Big by John Crowley, Artists Journals and Sketchbooks by Lynn Perrella and 15 Regina vacuum cleaner bags...which may explain my 'orbs'. I have discovered that Stewart's vacuum cleaner works well and is a breeze to use, while mine works well, but kills my back. However, the last bag is full, and Walmart didn't have the right replacements. Sooo, I am trying to wait until the ones I won come in. From the looks of things I might ought to just use my vacuum a.s.a.p.


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