The Bee Hive

Sometimes it's honey; sometimes it's sting...

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Just a quick hello... I've been too busy and/or preoccupied and/or lazy to blog lately, but here is a photo of Coconut that Zach took the other night in the newly finished sweater of doom. See her face? She is not happy. This is a great photo compared to the many, MANY we tried to get before this last one. Not only was it the sweater of doom, if was also the sweater of total limpness right up until this photo when I finally got her to stand....sort of.

My camera may be biting the dust. All the photos I had taken from Thanksgiving until now are pretty much orange tinted.
QUESTION OF THE DAY!!! - Could anyone (besides me) see the video on the last blog entry? One person told me they couldn't, but I don't know if that is universal or not. Please let me know....

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At 12/06/2007 8:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

POOR, POOR Coconut! Oh, the humiliation. She just knows the neighborhood dogs will be laughing behind her back when she goes outside.


P.S. Tell her Aunt Jan thinks she looks adorable.

At 12/06/2007 9:38 AM, Blogger Keith said...

I was able to view the Thanksgiving video just fine. It was hilarious by the way!

At 12/06/2007 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was able to view it also. If it was my mom who said she couldn't see it, it's because their new computer doesn't have the video capability installed yet.

At 12/10/2007 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Wanda, I could view the video. Miss ya!! Talk to you soon. Coconut looks adorable in his sweater(he would look adorable


At 1/08/2008 10:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coconut, you as cute as all getout, but you please tell your Mommie to start blogging again.

Aunt Jan

At 1/08/2008 11:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good grief, I can't type tonight!!!

you ARE as cute, etc.

but WOULD you please, etc.

Aunt Jan


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