This morning Mathieu held a memorial service for "Drink" his newest goldfish, who died two days ago. This first photo is of Mat with the faux gravesite he set up in a six-pack seedling container in one of the empty raised planting beds in front of the studio.
He and I picked flowers from the yard for the memorial, and yesterday he painted a tombstone type of rock with sharpies.
When it was time, he called the other 'mourners' and we gathered to hear him give Drink's eulogy. "He was a good fish. When we bought him, there were a lot of dead fish in his tank. I liked to pet him every day."
Later in the afternoon, he moved the memorial container, rearranged the wilted flowers and added some of Goldilocks and Midnight's feathers, which are very plentiful now that they are molting.
Would it be wrong to say that he REALLY enjoyed this memorial service a whole, whole lot?
Oh, that is the cutest thing and the "mourners" were so polite to even remove their hats...always the gentlemen. I LOVE my family.
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